Choosing the Best Site for your Structure

Blair, Nebraska 68008

The decision to add a new structure to your property can be an exciting prospect. You might envision the capabilities and extra space it will provide, and the ways you will use it.
Indeed, a new structure will provide you with enough space to do a variety of things and comes in many different styles, designs, and sizes, but choosing a structure is just one piece of the puzzle. Before you get started, you’ll need to take careful consideration on the site of your new structure. At Gingerich Structures, we focus on quality over quantity so you can rest assured your new garage, hobby shop, machine shed, or equestrian building will withstand all the elements and be a permanent part your property for years to come, making the location an integral component of the planning process. Here are some tips to consider when choosing a location.

  • Zoning: Before you start the construction process you will need to ensure the proper compliance with your local county’s zoning requirements. Each municipality is different so it’s important to familiarize yourself with your county’s unique set of rules and regulations before you begin the process and run into unexpected surprises.
  • Transportation: When it comes to building a pole barn to your property, there are a lot of materials to consider. Think about how easy those materials will be able to be delivered at your site and also how far away the road is, construction vehicles will need fairly easy access to the site. Your skilled contractor at Gingerich Structures can help you determine the right site based on your vision, its use, and accessibility.
  • Weather: Weather is obviously something we can’t control but you do have to consider your surrounding when considering your site, such as high winds on a hill, or if your site is close to mature trees that could pose a potential hazard in storms, or in terms of the extra debris. Oppositely, flooding on low-leveled sites could be a nightmare and you’ll want to avoid areas that are prone to flooding. Drainage is critical when you are considering your site, improper drainage can allow insect infestation, flooding, mold growth, and muddy tracks everywhere.
  • Grading: If you don’t have the option to build your new structure on flat land, know that you will need to get your land graded by professionals. This includes removing vegetation and adding fill. If you have any plants or flowers you would like to keep, you will need to transplant them to a different part of your property before construction begins. Grading is essential because it allows proper drainage and an even, flat surface for your new building.

At Gingerich Structures, we know there are a lot of options when it comes to choosing the perfect structure for your needs, but choosing the right site is the key to a long, low-maintenance high-quality building. We offer a wide variety of building styles at Gingerich Structures. No matter what look you're going for, you can count on us for the options you need. We proudly have over 15-years of experience building everything from machine sheds to hobby shops! Call us today to get a FREE quote on your next building project (402) 426-5022.


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